We’re pleased to inform you that Stanford Entrepreneurs Forum will resume on the first Wednesday of every month starting from October, 2015. The Forum will invite top-tier entrepreneurs, industry experts, venture capitalists and securities underwriters to share their stories and experiences on how to effectively incubate and grow high-tech ventures. The Forum offers opportunities to connect ideas, technology and people. Welcome to join us.


Schedule: 2020/01/08 ‧ 11:30~14:30
Speakers: Stephen Su (蘇孟宗), 工研院產業科技國際策略發展所所長
Topics: 以新科技服務新創公司幫助台灣服務業

11:30~12:00 Check-in & Registration
12:00~12:50 Opening, Luncheon and Speaker Introduction
12:50~13:40 Speech
13:40~14:00 Q&A
14:00~15:00 Round Table Discussion


For registration, please submit your registration form to enos@darwin-venture.com.tw or click the site of https://forms.gle/L5NRJrMMqAGQuvfK8 to register.

Registration Fee:
- On-Site: NTD 850 per person
- Early bird: NTD 750 per person


囍宴軒–小巨蛋館 (捷運松山線-台北小巨蛋站2號出口)
105 台北市松山區南京東路四段 2 號 1 樓, T +886.2.2578.1238

Speaker Biography

Stephen Su (蘇孟宗)
Vice President and General Director of Industry,Science and Technology International Strategy Center(ISTI) at Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI)


曾擔任工研院產經中心(IEK)主任、德國羅蘭貝格諮詢管理顧問(Roland Berger Strategy Consultants) 執行總監、美國波士頓企管顧問公司(Boston Consulting Group, BCG)經理、台灣致伸科技(Primax)資深協理、及美國摩托羅拉(Motorola)半導體部門工程師。美國柏克萊大學電機與電腦學士,美國西北大學Kellogg 商學院工商管理與美國加州理工學院電子雙碩士。

Contact Information

Vicky Yeh, +886-2-2545-0899, vicky@darwin-venture.com.tw
Enos Fan, +886-3-5710106, enos@darwin-venture.com.tw


Stanford Club of Taiwan 史丹福大學在台校友會 https://www.facebook.com/StanfordClubOfTaiwan


Darwin-Venture Management 達盈管理顧問公司 http://darwin-venture.com.tw

More Info on facebook
Stanford Entrepreneurs Forum https://www.facebook.com/StanfordEntrepreneursForum